Neighborhood Strategies Partners with St. Albans Township and Madison Township to Develop Form-Based Code.
An example of Form Based Code Frontage Elements.
📢 Exciting News! 🌆 Neighborhood Strategies Partners with St. Albans Township and Madison Township to Develop Form-Based Code, based on SmartCode by the Center for Applied Transect Studies 🏡
July 9, 2023 - We are thrilled to announce that Neighborhood Strategies is teaming up with St. Albans Township (Licking County, Ohio) and Madison Township (Licking County, Ohio) to embark on a transformative journey towards creating vibrant, sustainable, and visually appealing communities through the implementation of form-based code, specifically based on the renowned SmartCode developed by the Center for Applied Transect Studies.
The SmartCode, a comprehensive tool for form-based zoning, has been widely recognized for its innovative approach in prioritizing the physical form, design quality, and character of our neighborhoods. By adopting this proven framework, we aim to shape St. Albans Township and Madison Township into thriving, walkable, and community-oriented places that capture the essence of what makes these communities unique.
Throughout this collaborative effort, we will ensure extensive community engagement and input, giving the residents, property owners, and businesses of both townships a prominent voice in shaping the future of their neighborhoods. Community collaboration is at the heart of our approach, as we believe that a shared vision will result in neighborhoods that reflect the aspirations, values, and identity of their residents.
The implementation of form-based code, rooted in the SmartCode principles, brings forth a multitude of benefits. By encouraging mixed-use development, we create vibrant neighborhoods where residents can live, work, and play in close proximity. We prioritize walkability, active transportation, and connectivity between buildings and public spaces, enhancing the overall quality of life for everyone. Furthermore, our approach emphasizes sustainable practices, incorporating green infrastructure, energy efficiency, and conservation strategies to pave the way towards a greener future.
Neighborhood Strategies is committed to guiding St. Albans Township and Madison Township through this transformative journey. Our team of experts will closely collaborate with community stakeholders, planners, and architects to develop clear design guidelines and standards that will ensure the creation of beautiful, functional, and cohesive neighborhoods, aligned with the SmartCode principles.
In addition, we are thrilled to align our efforts with the recent exciting announcement of Intel's decision to locate in Licking County, Ohio. The collaboration between Neighborhood Strategies, St. Albans Township, and Madison Township to develop form-based code will further enhance the appeal and attractiveness of the region for businesses and residents alike. By creating vibrant, walkable neighborhoods with a strong sense of place and sustainable practices, we are laying the groundwork for a thriving community that can fully leverage the economic opportunities brought by Intel's presence. This partnership showcases the dedication and vision of Licking County to create an inclusive, innovative, and prosperous environment that will benefit current and future generations. Together, we are building a strong foundation for sustainable growth and community development, supported by the implementation of form-based code and the exciting prospects brought by Intel's arrival.
We are incredibly excited about this partnership and the opportunity to shape the future of St. Albans Township and Madison Township together, utilizing the SmartCode as our foundation. Stay tuned for updates on our progress as we embark on this exciting endeavor.
#NeighborhoodStrategies #CommunityDevelopment #FormBasedCode #SmartCode #CenterForAppliedTransectStudies #StAlbansTownship #MadisonTownship #BuildingVibrantCommunities #SustainableDevelopment #WalkableNeighborhoods #CommunityEngagement
Transect Diagram from SmartCode.