Buckeye Lake Region Future Growth Community Meeting Held

Dr. Gleichauf describes how Lakewood Local Schools are preparing students for life after high school at a community meeting held at Lakewood High School. Approximately 50 people attended the meeting to hear about Intel’s impact on growth, what skilled trades are being impacted and how other central Ohio projects will impact labor shortages.

The Buckeye Lake Region is poised to grow in the next decade thanks to a resurgence of tourism and lake life due to the reopening of the Buckeye Lake Dam. Throw in the addition of Intel investing $20 billion 30 minutes north and development is sure to find its way into the Buckeye Lake Region.

Tonight, we were joined by MA Architects and Lakewood Local Schools as we presented the ways in which to best prepare for growth, share insights into the trade worker shortage and how Lakewood Schools are preparing their students for work after high school.

You can catch the presentation deck here if you weren’t able to join.


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