City of New Albany’s Local Road Schedule for Intel
March 23, 2022 - Roadway improvements will happen over the course of several years in a phased approach. These improved roadways will prioritize high-quality design and ensure that all users feel safe and comfortable when traveling along them.
Based on regional traffic modeling performed by MORPC and ODOT, Mink Street and Green Chapel Road are being planned as two to four drive lane roadways, which are also expected to accommodate future growth in the area. No principal arterial roadways, the largest roadways in the area, are expected to be more than four drive lanes at this time.
Planned street design for Clover Valley Road & Jug Street, Miller, Beech (from Jug to Green Chapel), and Green Chapel (from US 62 to Clover Valley)
Image Credit: City of New Albany
Planned street design for Green Chapel Road (from Clover Valley to Mink Street), Mink Street, and Beech Road (from Innovation Campus Way to Jug Street)
Image Credit: City of New Albany