With considerable anticipated growth in central Ohio, Neighborhood Strategies is collaborating with Hanover Township in eastern Licking County to guide sustainable development while preserving its rural charm and natural resources. The Comprehensive Plan ensures growth is well-managed, infrastructure meets community needs, and the Township’s character and environment are protected, while the Zoning Resolution aims to organize the unincorporated areas into specific districts or zones to support orderly development.
2023 - Present
Comprehensive Planning
Zoning Resolution Development
Community Engagement
GIS Mapping
Future Land Use Mapping
Adoption of the 2024 Comprehensive Plan.
The development of Hanover Township’s Zoning Resolution, set for a community vote in 2025.
>>> Designing thoughtful land use policies
Neighborhood Strategies developed a Comprehensive Plan that preserves Hanover Township’s rural character and natural resources through thoughtful land use policies that balance growth with conservation. To ensure development is supported by adequate infrasture and aligns with the community’s identity, the plan suggests enforcing appropriate lot sizes, density restrictions, and safeguarding open spaces and farmland. Environmental priorities include protecting groundwater, preserving biodiversity, and limiting development in floodplains, while housing efforts focus on diverse, energy-efficient options that incorporate open spaces and sustainable designs. The Comprehensive Plan also suggests ways to foster vibrant, livable communities by addressing the needs of families, seniors, and young professionals.
>>> Developing zoning regulations for future growth
To ensure the community’s well-being, Neighborhood Strategies is developing a Zoning Resolution by dividing Hanover Township’s unincorporated areas into designated zones or districts. This Zoning Resolution, set for community vote in 2025, aims to protect public health and safety by regulating land use and the construction or modification of structures within the Township. It ensures adequate light, air, and safety by managing lot dimensions, yards, and open spaces, controls the building specifications, protects natural resources, and supports planned, orderly growth.